Yorkies have a confident demeanour that can spot problems before it happens.
08. Rottweiler
The Rottweiler is a large dog with a large heart. As long as there is enough room, this popular breed can thrive in any setting and exude confidence
07. Poodle
AZ Animals
Poodles are adorable and come in a variety of sizes to fit your home.
06. Beagle
Beagle Snoopy is immensely popular, which is why Beagles are ranked sixth. They ought to identify themselves as "friendly," with "cute" not far behind.
05. Bulldog
Bulldog The Bulldog is full of character and joy and is distinguished by its short, tiny legs and pushed-in style of facial features.
04. French Bulldog
Happy French Bulldog
French Bulldog are extraordinary breed makes a wonderful companion dog and is tiny enough to fit in an apartment.
03. Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is third on the list of well-liked canines. Both sexes are amenable to training and naturally protective
02. German Shepherd
The Spruce Pets
The German Shepherd is a one of the most intelligent dog breed in pets.
01. The Labrador Retriever
Daily Paws
The Labrador Retriever is the nicest pets, most adaptable dog there is, and they also have a great disposition to boot!